trouble with meds

Laura called last night, freaked about Father’s medication and overall treatment (or lack of).  She says the hospital staff aren’t feeding him (just leave the food on a tray 4 feet away), aren’t giving him his medication for swelling and seizures, have disconnected his fluids IV, and leaving him in the supine position every day (rather than sitting up).  He’s developing bed sores on his hip and legs.

I called the hospital last night and spoke with Zee, a nurse; she says that he’s taking his meds but has been disconnected from the IV.  She doesn’t know why and says I should call Dr. Heather Leyen at 8am in the morning.

I did that, and her voicemail states that “unless you’re cancelling an appointment, don’t bother leaving a message because it won’t be returned.”  How do you like that.

Dr Heather Layen voicemail 16047922266_2017-09-01_09-08-35 e1.wav

So I phoned the hospital and spoke with a new nurse, Laura (first day with Father), inquiring about him.  She said she’d check into him and for me to call back in 45 minutes.

In the mean time, Laura (Father’s friend, not the nurse) is waiting to see Dr. Enyvari, Father’s “regular doctor”.  (In fact, he’s a walk-in clinic doctor who only accepted Father as a one-off.)

I’ll keep you posted.

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